Frequently Asked Questions

Results coaching is about having conversations about life, and relationships.  These conversations will be filled with questions for you to consider and answer. 

When necessary the skilled coach will use language patterns, coaching techniques and other tools to help you to see your limited beliefs, help resolve your values conflicts, and assist you to release trapped emotions. 

These tool and processes are designed to empower you to discover your intrinsic Self-worth and value.  When you create these changes withing yourself, often you will desire to assist others to find fulfilment through continual growth and contribution. 

As you apply the skills that you learn, you will live in a more empowered way.  What this means is that you will create better relationships, genrate more wealth, and improve your physical health.  

Empowered individuals build stronger families, and this will lead to a stronger society. 

Many people invest in coaching for many different reasons.  Coaching is for 2 types of people.  The first is people who’s lives are not working.  The second is people who are achieving good results, but want to level up and produce outstanding results.  Here are some of the reasons why you should consider coaching. 

Your health is good, and you want an inpenetrable immune system.

You have lots of money, and you want to be  filthy rich. 

You have a great relationship, and you want a phenomenal one. 

You feel alive and fulfilled, and you want to contribute more to others and the world. 

You want to attract the perfect person into your life and create a relationsihp filled with love and passion. 

Your relationship is falling apart.  You need to do something immediatley to keep this person that you love in your life. 

You are depressed and cant get yourself to take action, or make changes in your life. 

You are stuck in situation that is unfulfilling. 

You have an addiction and it is preventing you from achieving your goals. 

You are anxious and find youself suffereing with frequent panic attacks. 

You are overweight and know that the reason that you hang onto your weight is phycological.  

You need someone to keep you accountable and to help you to make progress.  

You are lonely and want to learn new ways of making friends. 

You are unwell and you want to heal. 

You feel empty. 

You are going through a crisis and you need someone to help you through.  

You have experienced failure and/or unfair treatment from others.

You are searching for inner peace. 

You have developed some mental health issues. 

You need help to navigate a relationship breakup. 

You are a victim/survivor of Domestic Violence and/or abuse.

You want a better sexlife. 

You want more energy to achive your goals. 

Empowered people make empowered decisions, and the result in the coaching world is called transformation.    

Leaders, professionals, parents, and everyone looking to make positive changes to their life, can do so through  coaching.


The foundation principle of therapy is to “know ones self”.  Therapy is all about bridging the gap between the conscous mind and the unconscous mind.  It is about alignment of thoughts, words, intentions, desires and actions.  The term used to describe this alignment is congruence. 

Coaching and seminar attendence is all about your beliefs, values and actions.  Helping clients to gain emotional maturity, and have them strive for emotional mastery is what both theropists and coaches seek to do.  Some people prefer a coach while others prefer a theropist.  Some people use both. 

The best way to become a coach is to invest in coaching.  As a client, you will learn first hand what a coach does, and gain the experience of how the coach helps you to achieve your goals. 

Becoming a coach is much the same as becoing a professinal in other occupations.  A coach must learn his or her craft.  This can be done by attending coaching training and learning the skills, tools and abilities necessary to coach others.

Coaching is an currently an unregulated industy.  This means that anyone can coach anyone else.  

When selecting a coach be sure to watch some content, attend a live presentation and even engage in a personal chat to ensure that you feel comforatable and confident in your choice. 

My personal journey involved attending several coaching certification courses and developing my confidence and competence.  I have also invested in coaching, and have recived coaching for the last seven years. 

When I discovered that the purpose of my life is to inspire with love, power and authority and to reduce suffering for myself and others, I started pursuing a full time career as a results coach. 

The courses provided by AccessWorld Seminars are designed to cover all the areas of life can be of great benefit for anyone who wants to become a life prepare .  Becoming a life coach begins as you take your own journey and use the tools and skills in your own life to produce positive results.  I believe that this starts with getting good education.

The best coaches continue to educate themselves by attend seminars regularly, and investing in coaching. 

A coach does four main things.  First, the coach must show up.  Second, the coach will build rapport.  Third, the coach will build energy, and finally the coach will empower you to take new action.  As you take new action, produce new results, and improve your situation, you receive FULL credit because you created YOUR OWN RESULTS.

On the other hand a consultant is a high functioning analyst that provides solutions. 

Membership can be obtained by paying a monthly subscription, joining an 8 week program or by paying for a 12 month plan.  All clients who sign up for 6 months of 1 on 1 coaching receive 12 months membership FREE!!! 

Membership gives you access to a live webinars, live group coaching sessions and also live NLP workshops.  

These sessions are all recorded and you also get access to webinar recordings.   

The webinars are currently being held on friday mornings at 9am  AEST. 

Other paid sessions such as group coaching and NLP workshops are held on friday mornings at 9am AEST. 

If you are in the USA it will be held on thrusday afternoon/evening.  

All webinars are recorded and will be viewable after the event.  After the event has concluded you will be sent a message via the WHATSAPP group where you can access the content. 

Group coaching sessions are held on Friday morning at 9am AEST. 

If you are in the USA it will be on thursday afternoon. 

Group coaching is run by the questions of the participants.  In other words your questions run the session.  During group coaching (time permitted) actual processes are used and quite often we resolve  challenges in real time.   

Yes, you can attend any of the webinars that you choose, and not attend any others.  You can access and pay for webinars on MEETUP.  Discounts apply for those who sign up for the full package.   

Attend a live webinar, send me your phone number and I can put you into my free program.  Access group.  This free program has access to several free webinars each month. 


Yes.  We have pay by the month and pay in full options.  If you pay by the month I would ask you to commit to a full 12 months as a subscription, then cancel any time after that.   

Yes.  A further discount applies for those who pay in full.  

In one word, you can expect EMPOWERMENT. 

You can expect a high level of educational material, a top notch delivery and walk away with a brightness of hope as you implement relevant information to you particular circumstances.  You can expect to feel motivated, inspired and uplifted as you engage in your personal growth and personal improvement.  You can expect to have your unconscious mind begin working for you, as you overcome unconscious resistance.   You can expect to let go of limiting beliefs, resolve values conflicts, and release repressed or trapped emotions.  You can expect to live a life more in line with the principles of EMPOWERMENT.

In a more down to earth approach, you can expect better health, more money and better relationships.  The purpose of this education is to produce real world results.    

Attend a free session.  Send me you phone number.  Download whatsapp and I will chat with you directly to explore the best options for you. 

Yes, there is a free webinar here at this link.  (how to take full control of the unconscious mind) 

At the moment just keep Friday 9am AEST open.  I will send out the inforation to the whats app group.  

Great question.  

Here is a list of my personal achievements. 

High functioning relationship filled with love and passion with my beautiful wife Rebecca.

Father of 5 children.  Grandfather for the first time in 2022.

Successful 20 year career in law enforcement.

2 years as a minister of Religion. 

Former Australian Karate Champion.  

Property investor. 

Seminar Leader, life coach and excitement specialist. 

Here is a list of the formal transformational courses that I have done.  Informally, I have done 10 times this amount. 


Landmark Education (4 days)


Landmark Education Advance course (4 days)

Landmark Education Communication course (4 days)


Unlimited Power Within – (4 days)

Strengthening Marriage (2days)


Millionaire Mentoring – (4 days)


Date With Destiny – (6 days)

Starting and Running a business. (2 days)


Coaching certification – (6 days)

Success automation – (3 days)

Date With Destiny – (6 days)

Process Communication Course – (6 days)


Success automation – (3 days)

Coaching certification – (6 days)

The art of love – Tantra workshop (2 days)


Present like a Pro – (6 days)

Way of the Wealthy – (5 days)

Difference maker accellerator – (5 days)

Inspire to Buy – (5 days)

Unlimited Power Within – (4 days)


Present like a Pro – (6 days)

Inspire to Buy – (5 days)

Unlimited Power Within – (4 days)

Passion Blueprints course (2 days)


Present like a Pro – (6 days)

Success automation (3 days)

  Difference maker Accelerator (5 days)


Way of the Wealthy – blueprint emersion (4 days)

  Tony Robbins Business Webinar (5days)

  Unleash the Power Within- Tony Robbins – (4 days)

RESULTS from coaching others. 

  • Health issues dissapeared. 
  • Pain dissapeared. 
  • Cancer in remission.
  • Coaching client got the girl.
  • Client lost 12 kg in 5 weeks. 
  • Client sold house to first person who looked at it.
  • Client forgave ex.
  • Quadraplegic client wiggled left big toe.

Perhaps you should not listen to me!!!  If you do end up listening to me, you will transform your life, empower yourself fully and start attracting more success, happiness and love into your life.   

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