
Joshua Roy lives in Brisbane Australia.  He has been life coaching now for 10 years and has conducted Hundreds of webinars, seminars and workshops with an international audience on various topics around empowerment, emotional mastery, health, wealth and relationships. 

Joshua Roy encourages others to create a bright and compelling vision of what is possible.

With the advancements in neuroscience it has become evident that when neurons fire together, they wire together.  Therefore to have a happier life, you need to find a way to activate the chemicals in that produce happiness.   Moving from negative thinking to positive thinking requires three things.  Proximity, peer group and a mentor.  

Change becomes possible when you learn and apply the tools of emotional mastery.

Remember that all behaviour is governed by your state of mind and emotion.

According to experts, many people continue to rely on the emotional coping strategies of their five-year-old self.  A lack of emotional maturity may result from a preoccupation with past experiences, worrying about future expectations, focusing incessantly on personal weaknesses, or getting trapped in psychological fantasies. Remember that raising your emotional intelligence is your responsibility


Our Passion here at Access World is to teach empowering tools that transform the lives of others.  Our passion is to see you succeed in with your personal and professional goals and to make your life work at every level, including finances, relationships, communication, health and happiness. 

Transformation is about becoming the person you want to be, rather than the one the world tried to program you to be. This is done by choosing to learn and apply mind re-patterning tools into your life.

You can live in reaction, or you live deliberately.   What this means is that you can choose to act in any situation, instead of react.  As you develop emotional flexibility, you can choose more empowering states of mind and emotion.

You can make conscious choices about who you want to be and design the perfect blueprint for yourself, and your life.

You can choose for example to accentuate certain character traits, and reduce other character traits that are not giving your your desired outcome. For example, you could choose to have more confidence, be more dominant in your personality, become more assertiveness or charming. You also have the power to reduce your anxiety, timidity, or the time that you spend worrying, stressing and complaining.

Personality is the outer expression of your personal reality. Your personal reality has everything to do with the way that you think and feel about yourself, your “self image”.

Remember that all true change takes place in the unconscious mind, and the best way to get the nervous system to take on a new and improved self image is through the use of mind re-patterning tools. These tools, delivered by mind re-pattering life coach and excitement specialist “Joshua Roy” are designed to work directly with the unconscious mind, creating internal change, awakening an elevated belief in yourself, and empowering you to have renewed hope for a bright and compelling future.


Our goal is to empower 10 000 people to succeed and go through the Ultimate Webinar Series and thereby impact their lives and the worldin a powerful positive way. 

How great would it be if emotional mastery was taught and practiced in schools, in the workplace and in the home.  What if the tools and coping strategies were available to everyone,  not just the elite few.  In the past learning about NLP or the latest most cutting edge tools of personal development would cost thousands of dollars.  Many years ago you would also need to travel to another city, pay for accommodation and turn up to a venue to learn and practice these principles of empowerment. 

Today, personal develpment is more accessible than ever.  With the click of a button you now have more access to empowerment webinars than ever before.  

Join with this community to empower youself.  Our goal is to make the tools of personal development availabe to all people, regardless of class, religion, political and social preferences.  Our goal is to empower 10 000 people to succeed and go through the Ultimate Webinar Series life coaching program so that this creates a ripple effect that impacts the planet in a powerful positive way. 

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