Wow I did it!! I am now a Certified…
Neuro Transformation Therapy™ Coach
Neuro Transformation Therapy™ Practitioner and
Timeline Transformation Therapy™ Practitioner
I have personally experienced the power of Neuro Transformation Therapy™ which is a set of tools that works with the subconscious mind to change the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that hold so many of us back from feeling the way we want and creating the life we deserve! It's crazy how powerful our subconscious mind is once we deal with the root cause of where things come from!!
How does one go from being a police officer to becoming a highly successful results coach?
In 2002 I joined the police service in Brisbane Queensland.
At the time I was married and had 2 small children. I was 26 years of age. It was exciting and new to embark upon a career that was very interesting, and I prepared myself to go on the adventure of a lifetime.
During the first few years of service, I started seeing some of the worst of human behavior. I had experiences where I saw death, antisocial behavior, suicide, and offenses against property, and persons and I encountered many shady, interesting, and colorful people. (Police and criminals, and the public).
After several years in the service, I started working in a watchhouse. A watchhouse is a police prison. It is a place where prisoners stay while awaiting their appearance in court, or where they wait prior to being transported to a prison.
I found that I liked working in a watchhouse far more than working on the road, because in some ways it was a safer environment, and there was less paperwork. I had not joined the police service to become a secretary.
I have always strived in my life to have a positive mental attitude, and in the police service, I strived to maintain this, however, the constant dealing with people who were distressed, and seeing the very worst of human behavior takes its toll.
I have heard of and dealt with incidents involving abuse, theft, fraud, murder, assaults, drug addiction, domestic violence, and the list goes on.
This constant exposure to antisocial behavior, antisocial people, and the challenges that I dealt with had an effect and took its toll on my mental health and well-being.
I remember turning up to a job where a man had committed suicide by hanging himself. Another time I turned up to a traffic accident where a man had most of his arm ripped off. I attended many violent, tragic, or otherwise volatile scenes and had to deal with deeply disturbed people.
I had coping strategies and I used them. Reading, prayer, meditation, focusing on the family, computer games, etc. I would do things to clear my head and stay the course. I never used alcohol or drugs, and thank goodness for that.
I became more assertive and hardened emotionally, and this was affecting my home life and marriage. One officer that I spoke to said, “Shift work is hard on relationships”. I found this to be true. Constantly dealing with this high-stress lifestyle and working around the clock certainly did take its toll. It was not an easy thing.
I did not want to lose myself in the occupation, and become hardened and bitter like so many others that I have met and worked with over the years. Due to this, I focused on maintaining positivity throughout.
I remember being told during the start of my career that I was a round peg in a square hole. That I did not really fit in to the police service. You see, I was happy. I would tend to look for the good others and focus on remaining positive. I would hope for an expect that the best would occur.
I soon found out that this attitude was not apprecited in this career. I was told that it is hypervigilance and expecting the worst that keeps officers safe. I was told that it is ability predict worst case outcomes that makes a good cop. One training officer explained to me that... "I must expect the worst, and then be happy when that does not occur".
I was told this many times, that I need to look for the worst possible outcome, and then be happy when that does not happen. Expect the worst and hope for the best.
I experimented and explored this way of living and being, and yet it was a real struggle for me. I really did feel like this was contrary to my nature. Being someone who enjoys helping others, looking for good in others, and desiring to make a difference, made me a square peg in a round hole.
How did I do it? (how did I survive for over 20 years in this profession?) I faked it!
I would not allow myself to become cynical and disgruntled. I would not allow myself to fall into the trap of not caring about people.
I wanted to maintain a healthy outlook on life, and not become a product of my high-stress workload and the work environment, including those that I was working with.
Moving into the watchhouse was a move in the right direction. It enabled me to have more balance and safety in my life. I do recall an inspector once talking to me. He said, “I heard that you have moved into the watchhouse. Just remember that they will kill you if they get a chance”.
Here I was attending work each day with that statement going through my mind.
So how did I get balance, and where am I today?
I knew that education and personal development were the answer. I knew that church and community were the answers. I knew that I could not be a police officer 24/7.
There are several people that I know who are police officers all the time. At work, at play, on days off. They are married to the job. These officers become very successful. They are born to do the job, and it becomes their identity and their world. Incidentally, these are also the officers who lose themselves. Most of them eventually suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other conditions.
I did not want this for myself, so I learned and applied balance. I started attending educational courses on emotional mastery, emotional regulation, emotional resilience, and practiced the principles.
I was promoted to the level of Sergeant and was in charge of a team of people. Using principles from them many empowerment programs that I attended, I was able to use my knowledge to create change and to empower my staff. There were several teams in the building and my immediate boss, the senior sergeant once said to me, “Josh, you have the happiest team in the whole building”.
I realized that I was not allowing the negativity of the work and workplace affect my sense of joy and happiness. I was able to go to work, deal with what I had to deal with, and maintain positive internal states though emotional mastery practices. This made me very rare, and quite often put me into an outer circle. I faced a rejection amongst peers, and other social challenges because I maintained an optimistic approach, and a cheerful disposition.
I remember that shortly after being promoted to sergeant, another cynical sergeant stated rudely to me, “They will promote anybody”. He also told others in the workplace that I was "impersonating a police officer".
When I first heard this, I was angry and took offense, but I thought more about what was being said, and how my personal development journey was saving me from being a "police officer" according to his perception. I realized that he was completely spot on. I was impersonating a police officer. I embraced that idea and from that point on enjoyed the role and job even more.
I realized that I was different. I did not, and had not allowed the identity of a police officer to be the predominant identity of my life. So many others do this, and their career, or job becomes their identity. Without their work, they don’t know who they are.
In 2015, I became a part-time coach. Supporting and helping others to be all that they could be. I was a full-time police officer and part-time coach. I was coaching 5 to 7 people while I continued impersonating a police officer. I embraced the idea that I was actor in this role as a "police officer", and it felt better and was certainly a positive for my mental health. It was like a breath of fresh air. It created a shift within. Complaints and criticism did not seem to land as hard. The discipline process within my workplace was just part and parcel of the job.
My wife was a great support and would often explain to me that being disciplined, being criticized, and being attacked both by prisoners and superior officers is just part of the job. She would say “Just factor that into your wage”. That is exactly what I did, and it did help.
I remember experiencing so much stress at work that my neck and shoulders were so tight that I could barely function or even think. I remember feeling levels of stress to the point where I did not think that I could make it through the day.
It can be difficult to maintain a positive mental attitude.
I will give you an example. I was at work when a man tried to kill himself with a razor blade. He was meeting with his lawyer, got some bad news, stood up and removed a razor blade that he had hidden in his gum, under his top lip, and proceeded to slice into his own neck. We responded, and I drew out the taser, gave clear verbal instructions and warnings, and then tasered him when he did not comply. Down he went. He dropped the razor blade and was not able to continue to self-harm. Other police moved in and handcuffed him, and he was transported to hospital. The harm from the razor was superficial and he was ok.
I have been exposed to many such incidents and as a result, I have needed tools of healing.
When you experience or see a trauma it can affect you.
Learning about and attending personal development events has changed me, and the trajectory of my life completely.
Here is a list of the programs that I have done over the past several years.
2010 Landmark Education (4 days)
2012 Landmark Education Advance course (4 days)
Landmark Education Communication course (4 days)
2015 Unlimited Power Within – (4 days)
Strengthening Marriage (2days)
2016 Millionaire Mentoring – (4 days)
2017 Date With Destiny – (6 days)
Starting and Running a business. (2 days)
2018 Coaching certification – (6 days)
Success automation – (3 days)
Date With Destiny – (6 days)
Process Communication Course – (6 days)
2019 Success automation – (3 days)
Coaching certification – (6 days)
The art of love – Tantra workshop (2 days)
2020 Present like a Pro – (6 days)
Way of the Wealthy – (5 days)
Difference maker accelerator – (5 days)
Inspire to Buy – (5 days)
Unlimited Power Within – (4 days)
2021 Present like a Pro – (6 days)
Inspire to Buy – (5 days)
Unlimited Power Within – (4 days)
Passion Blueprints course (2 days)
2022 Present like a Pro – (6 days)
Difference maker accelerator – (5 days)
2023 Way of the Wealthy – blueprint immersion (4 days)
Unlimited Power Within - Tony Robbins
2024 NTT - luke Hawkins. (3 days)
NTT - luke Hawkins. (3 days)
Way of the Wealthy (4 days)
Business Mastery (Tony Robbins) (6 days)
UPW (Tony Robbins). (4 days)
After spending thousands of dollars $$$ on training programs, and attending these training programs, my life will never be the same. I now have a morning routine wherein I empower myself each day. This has given me the ability to overcome my personal struggles and challenges, and provide professional support and assistance to those who have the following challenges.
I am so excited to have decided to use my situation to continue serving people.

Remove Anxiety

Clear Depression

Heal Trauma

Help people Lose Weight

Get rid of Procrastination

Clear Addictions

Clear ANY Phobia

Remove Negative Emotions and Limiting Beliefs that hold people back

Help people transform Self Confidence
If you are someone who’s wanted to change any unwanted pattern, change your emotions or remove those unwanted negative thoughts and behaviours then feel free to Reach Out!

I thank everyone for all of your support for this next chapter of my journey!

Love and light from me, bring on the amazing journey ahead!